House of Prayer


Refugee Ministry

Children Help

Egypt, Sudan

The prayer of a righteous is powerful and effective.

James 5:16

About us

main purposes:

(1) To encourage and empower Christians to fulfil the Great

Commission in areas of the world where they are persecuted for

their involvement in propagating the gospel of Jesus Christ. We

accomplish this by providing Bibles, literature, radio broadcasts and

other forms of aid.

(2) To give relief to the families of Christian martyrs in these

areas of the world.

(3) To undertake projects of encouragement, helping believers

rebuild their lives and Christian witness in countries that have

formerly suffered Communist oppression.

(4) To equip local Christians to win to Christ those who are

opposed to the Gospel in countries where believers are actively

persecuted for their Christian faith.

(5) To emphasise the fellowship of all believers by informing the

world of atrocities committed against Christians and by remembering

their courage and faith.


We are one young Christian international non-profit organisation. Our organisation was created to support people in need. E.g. refugees from  Sudan, which are persecuted in concern of their faith, we also supporting the homeless children. 

Our organisation works in association with some of governmental hospitals where these refugees   being registered  can receive  necessary medical support and also basic necessaries such as food and cloth.

Education for needy people and homeless children  also for the children from the low income families where they will have  an opportunity to learn Bible, English, computer science and other.


Episians 2:10

"for of Him we are workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to good works, which God did before prepare, that in them we may walk." 


 IHOemerged from the idea of being there for people in need of help. Since our inception, we have been pursuing the goal of helping those in need.
Our team consists exclusively of volunteer employees. We are committed to everyone who needs our help. Even a small contribution can do a lot.
This is why we are especially happy when we find new helpers who, like us, like to devote themselves to the good cause. Would you like to support us and contribute to our work? Please do not hesitate to contact us. Helping hands are always welcome!


IHO entstand aus der Idee heraus, für hilfsbedürftige Menschen da zu sein. Seit unserer Gründung verfolgen wir das Ziel, an den Stellen zu helfen, an denen die Not am größten ist.

Unser Team besteht ausschließlich aus ehrenamtlichen Mitarbeitern. Wir setzen uns für jeden ein, der unsere Hilfe braucht. Auch ein kleiner Beitrag kann viel bewirken. 

Daher freuen wir uns auch besonders, wenn wir neue Helfer finden, die sich wie wir gerne dem guten Zweck widmen. Möchten auch Sie uns gerne unterstützen und etwas zu unserer Arbeit beitragen? Dann zögern Sie bitte nicht und nehmen Sie Kontakt zu uns auf. Helfende Hände sind uns jederzeit herzlich willkommen!